You are faced with an issue, and you have one or multiple PowerPoint presentations from which it is difficult to create an organized, clear and consistent whole? Our PPT STORY service is specially designed to examine content in order to identify the underlying messages and structure the most important ideas.
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Tell a story to captivate your audience.
PowerPoint presentations with clunky content are often the result of a lack of objectivity combined with a shortage of time. It can be tempting to copy/paste text from existing sources (old presentations, reports, miscellaneous documents) in an attempt to create a new version, but the results are often disappointing.
What is clearly thought out is clearly expressed. This maxim, on its own, will not help you to structure your ideas, but it sums up the aim of our PPT STORY service: to give your teams a story to tell, and to give your audience the pleasure of understanding.
To achieve this goal, DAVYTOPIOL provides you with the expertise of a consultant director who will help you craft a strong, direct message that reflects your target and goals. Once the structure and content of the presentation have been approved, the DAVYTOPIOL studio teams will design it to suit your graphic mask or create a new identity specific to the project.
How is a PPT STORY created?
The brief
To write the story of a product or service, we need to get to know you and have a general idea of your DNA by analysing existing material. Your old documents may no longer reflect yourselves, you may be restructuring or have changed your model, and this session enables us to understand where you are coming from so that we have a better idea of where you are going.
The consulting session
We schedule an intense consulting session of approximately 3 hours. The aim of this session (which can take place in your offices, at the DAVYTOPIOL agency or as a conference call) is to conclude the meeting with a completed storyline. This session serves as a content booster. It enables the people directly affected by the project to meet on a fixed date, for a set duration, to develop the backbone and the key messages of the presentation to be prepared.
DAVYTOPIOL has developed a process and a tool that make it possible to move away from PowerPoint and focus on the substance, while avoiding the recycling of obsolete or off-topic content. Our consultant will use his presentation expertise to steer this collaborative work session and provide guidance.
The result of the consulting session
This is generally a sequence of 15 to 30 slides in the form of a draft whose content is sourced from your documents and rewritten on the basis of the insights you provided during the session.
Back in our office, we translate these elements into a PowerPoint presentation that enables you to verify the structure of your speech and the arrangement of your messages.
The design of the presentation
We can then move on to the design stage. Our creative teams interpret both the general ambience and the nature of the messages on each slide to transform the concepts into inspiring images and to structure the information around a graphic design that reflects the content of the presentation as a whole.
Project follow-up
Throughout the process, your project manager will be in contact with you to keep you up to date on the progress of your presentation, find solutions, integrate your corrections, and deliver a product that corresponds to your original request.
Vous avez besoin d’aide pour prendre la parole en public ?
Prendre la parole en public n’est pas un exercice facile. DAVYTOPIOL propose en tant qu’organisme de formation un service de coaching spécialement destiné à gérer le stress de ce moment important à travers son offre COACHING EXPRESS. N’hésitez pas à vous renseigner en utilisant notre page contact.